In the Nintendo Direct that aired earlier today, Square Enix revealed a remaster of SNES classic Actraiser in the form of Actraiser Renaissance ($19.99). Despite Square Enix calling this a remaster, it looks more akin to a remake bringing the original action platformer and city simulation game to modern platforms with quality of life improvements, new music, a visual overhaul, and more. If you’ve not played the original, Actraiser Renaissance is aimed to be a great game for both newcomers and fans of the original with its blend of 2D action and city building. It includes new gameplay elements, new magic, a settlement siege mechanic, soundtrack options to play with the original or a new arranged soundtrack, auto save, difficulty settings, and more. Watch the Actraiser Renaissance launch trailer below:
It is pretty weird to me that in a Nintendo Direct that had Bayonetta 3 showcased after years, the biggest surprise is Actraiser Renaissance. Square Enix simultaneously released it on iOS, Android, Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Steam. On consoles and PC, Actraiser Renaissance is priced at $29.99 while it is $19.99 on iOS and Android. If you’d like to check it out, Actraiser Renaissance is available as a premium release on the App Store for iOS here and on Google Play for Android here. Check out the Steam page here. Head over to our forum thread here for more impressions and discussions around this shadow drop. Have you played the original or will you be jumping in with Actraiser Renaissance today?