
Best iPhone Game Updates: ‘Minecraft’, ‘League of Legends Wild Rift’, ‘Minion Rush’, ‘Toy Blast’, and More

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Hello everyone, and welcome to the week! It’s time once again for our look back at the noteworthy updates of the last seven days. It’s a busy week ahead for me, but I somehow managed to put this one together. I don’t like missing weeks unless something rad is happening, as you know. So here are some games from all corners that got cool new versions in the last week, assembled for your reading pleasure. Of course, you can keep an eye out for updates yourself by participating in the TouchArcade forums. This weekly summary is just here to fill you in on the things you might have missed. Let’s go for it!

MARVEL Strike Force: Squad RPG, Free Adam Warlock leads the charge in this latest update for Marvel Strike Force. The update sows the seeds for many cool new things, like new playable characters Adam Warlock, Phyla-Vell, and Moondragon. Gamora gets juiced up with an Empowered form, and she gets new ability upgrades alongside her sister Nebula. There are new costumes for a number of heroes including Loki, Black Widow, Iceman, and Deadpool. Naturally, there are new events to go with all of this. Aside from the new content, a bunch of bugs have been fixed and some UI improvements have been made.

World of Tanks Blitzâ„¢, Free World of Tanks Blitz is celebrating its seventh anniversary, somehow. Yikes, I remember reviewing that in my second year for TouchArcade. Was it so long ago? I guess so. Anyway, there’s some theme park in this update called Blitzland? Improved graphics quality, always nice. A new branch of American Tier VII-X heavies, with four fresh rides all-up. And two whole battle modes with intriguing names like Mad Games (they are upset, very upset) and Uprising (they are moving in an upward direction, very up). Sounds fun. Check it out if you like tanks or seventh anniversaries.

Toy Blast, Free It’s the obligatory free-to-play matching puzzle game update of the week, and I’m not even going to pretend I looked around hard for this one. Hey, it’s Toy Blast! 50 new levels, fancy that! Something in the description about archaeologists and mummies. Hey, that’s like that old movie/game/comic that I liked! You’re either in this deep already and don’t really care too much about all of this because you just need more levels, or you’re never going to be this deep and wouldn’t notice if I made up the theme. You decide, friends.

Minion Rush: Running game, Free Speaking of milestones for games that I reviewed early on in my time at TouchArcade, Minion Rush is celebrating an unbelievable one billion downloads. That is just… incredible. This game has essentially outlived the movie franchise’s popularity, and it just keeps going. Ugh, someone’s going to sass me in the comments about that statement. Oh well. So this update has a special event going where everyone works together to unlock a special gift. Don’t tell Gameloft I told you, but you’re getting that special gift no matter what happens. There are some new special missions and some new costumes including Ice Cream Stuart. A billion downloads. Why couldn’t Spider-Man Unlimited be the one to last this long? It had Swiney-Girl! Swiney-Girl!

Minecraft, $6.99 Caves and cliffs? Why Minecraft, you’re spoiling us. Wait a minute! Caves and cliffs were already in this game! Okay, let’s read more carefully. New mobs, blocks, and items? Axolotls and Glow Squids. Goats that will ram you off the edges of cliffs like the human-screaming jerks that they are. And if you use copper to build structures, they’ll now age over time! Will they turn green? That would be neat. Well, it’s not every day we get a substantial update to Minecraft. I suppose that merits a coveted UMMSotW award if anything does this week.

GWENT: The Witcher Card Game, Free Sometimes big updates have very little in the way of notes. Such is the case with this latest version of GWENT: The Witcher Card Game, which adds the new expansion Once Upon a Pyre. That’s really all the game’s update description has to offer, but I can’t fill a paragraph with that so research, ho! This is the first expansion of the Price of Power set and includes 26 new cards to play with. It’s a free update, which is nice. And that indeed is all there is to it, so have at it if you’re that-way inclined.

Sky: Children of the Light, Free There are a couple of things going on in this update, which arrives as the Season of Assembly comes to a close. First up is a new feature called Shared Spaces. You get to decorate a corner of the Treehouse as you see fit and share it with your friends as a hang-out spot. There are also new outfit items to celebrate the Days of Rainbow, which I’m going to go out on a limb and guess is related to Pride Month. Some colorful new fashion choices either way. I’m guessing the next update is going to be a bigger one, but we’ll see.

Crash Bandicoot: On the Run!, Free This game is already on its third season? Wow, those just blow by in this game. So what does Season 3 have to offer? A bunch of new Seasonal Gangs and Bosses, including Dark Spyro, Gnasty Gnorc, Dr. N. Gin, and Koala Kong. A new Bandicoot Pass with Leaderboard rewards. As you might infer from the above list of new bosses, there are some Spyro-themed Battle Runs with some cool Spyro-inspired costumes. There are new Missions to complete, some new Survival Runs, and a whole bag of much-needed bug fixes and optimizations. Hey, when will this game reach a billion downloads?

Fledgling Heroes, A quick glance at Apple Arcade tells me that the colorful and charming Fledgling Heroes got an update this week. It has a whole new world to explore in the form of the Folded Fields. Apparently there’s a new flying friend about? There are new enemies to avoid and/or beat as necessary, along with some surprising hazards to mix things up. Remember, if everything is going to the birds, you might as well join them. Just remember that you’re one of the flightless models, eh? Rustle about for grub and enjoy your superior land speed. Maybe one day you’ll be a mighty chocobo.

League of Legends: Wild Rift, Free League of Legends: Wild Rift gets its 2.3 patch, and it brings an assortment of goodies to be released over the next couple months. The biggest of the lot is that four new champions are coming to the game. Well, new in the sense that they are new to this game, but League of Legends fans will probably recognize them. Irelia, Riven, Lucian, and Senna will be joining the line-up soon. You can score the first two for free by playing the new Broken Blades event, with “can" being the operative word. Let’s see what else we have here. New skins, a new way to level up with your friends, and some reworked runes. Hey, that’s not a bad update at all.

That about wraps it up for last week’s significant updates. I’m sure I’ve missed some, though, so please feel free to comment below and let everyone know if you think something should be mentioned. As usual, major updates will likely get their own news stories throughout this week, and I’ll be back next Monday to summarize and fill in the blanks. Have a great week!

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