Hello gentle readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade Round-Up for June 8th, 2020. In today’s article, we’ve got a little news, a handful of new releases, and a rather big list of sales. A rather quiet start to the week, but I’m quite sure things will heat up before too long. Let’s get things going!
Unreleased Arcade Game ‘Clockwork Aquario’ Coming to Switch in 2020

One of the big character comebacks in the last half-decade has been Wonder Boy. A great remake of one of the titles followed by an outstanding spiritual successor has brought the brand and, to a lesser extent, its original developer Westone back into the general gaming conversation for the first time in ages. Sadly, Westone is basically defunct these days, but what would you say to having one more game from their glory days? Clockwork Aquario was an arcade game planned by Westone and SEGA back in the 1990s, but it ultimately wasn’t released. Strictly Limited Games and ININ Games have done the hard work of digging up the game and bringing it back to life. As the game was incomplete, they’ve brought in as many of the original members of Westone as possible to finish it up properly. This lost classic will release later in 2020 on the Switch and other platforms.
New Releases
Potata: Fairy Flower ($12.00)
This is a platformer adventure that tries to toss in a little bit of everything. You play as Potata, a novice witch who is learning how to use her powers. There’s a bit of the usual platforming and boss battling, with some puzzles sprinkled in for good measure. There’s also a little exploration, but not quite enough to push it into, you know, that one genre that’s getting a bit flooded of late. I love the use of colors in the game’s visuals, but I’m not as impressed with those character designs. Not my flavor. But that’s all subjective, so you could very well feel differently.
Super Holobunnies: Pause Cafe ($4.99)
Hmm. This is an action game with platforming elements where you can play in a few different modes. There’s runner-style main campaign, a battle mode where two players can square off against each other, and a boss rush mode. The main characters are pretty cute, I suppose. To tell the truth, I find myself almost entirely uninterested in this game. If you feel differently, it won’t cost you much money to see if there’s anything to it.
Coast Guard: Beach Rescue Team ($11.99)
Hop into cars, boats, buggies, and more as the newest member of the coast guard in this port of a somewhat generic free-to-play mobile title. This obviously removes all of the coin purchase IAPs from that version in favor of an upfront price, but I’m wary as usual of how well it has been re-balanced to account for that. The original game is basically a coin grind to unlock stuff, so if that hasn’t been adjusted here things could be quite unpleasant. If you want a taste of the game, head on over to the App Store and try the free version.
Drag Sim 2020 ($9.90)
From the makers of last week’s Taxi Sim 2020 comes Drag Sim 2020, and these developers must really be eco-friendly because this is some genuine recycling in action. Like that game and the game immediately above this one, this is a port of a rather unimpressive free-to-play mobile game that strips out the microtransactions and simply charges an upfront price. This one focuses on drag racing, and there are plenty of cars to drive. They are not real cars, but if you squint you can probably sort things out. If you want to try it before you buy it, you can always give the mobile version a spin.
(North American eShop, US Prices)
Surprisingly, the list of new sales that cropped up over the weekend is bigger than usual. In terms of notables, there are a pair of new ultra-cheap titles that haven’t hit such depths before. Lazy Galaxy: Rebel Story and Spoiler Alert can be had for ten cents each. Are they worth the dime? Probably. Worth the time? Harder to say. As for the outbox, the cool Power Rangers fighting game is ending its sale soon. The first two Season Pass DLCs are also on sale, so you can buy the whole bundle for about $30. Definitely worth it for fighting fans.
Select New Games on Sale
Freakout: Calamity TV Show ($6.99 from $9.99 until 6/25)
Wand Wars ($9.99 from $19.99 until 6/16)
Super Ping Pong Trick Shot ($2.24 from $4.99 until 6/25)
Ping Pong Evolution ($2.24 from $4.99 until 6/25)
Nine Parchments ($5.99 from $19.99 until 6/19)
Plague Road ($0.99 from $15.00 until 6/25)
Bingo ($2.24 from $4.99 until 6/25)
Voxel Shot ($5.60 from $8.00 until 6/26)
Voxel Sword ($4.90 from $7.00 until 6/26)
Voxel Galaxy ($5.90 from $7.43 until 6/26)
Voxel Pirates ($5.82 from $7.28 until 6/26)
Darts Up ($0.98 from $2.99 until 6/25)
Trine Enchanted ($4.49 from $14.99 until 6/19)
Trine 2: Complete Story ($5.09 from $16.99 until 6/19)
Trine 3: Artifacts of Power ($5.99 from $19.99 until 6/19)
Chalk Dash Carnival ($0.85 from $7.09 until 6/26)
Desktop Soccer ($4.97 from $7.11 until 6/26)
Desktop Table Tennis ($5.18 from $7.41 until 6/26)
Desktop Baseball ($5.10 from $7.29 until 6/26)
Desktop Bowling ($5.17 from $7.39 until 6/26)
Desktop Dodgeball ($5.21 from $7.45 until 6/26)
Desktop Rugby ($5.20 from $7.43 until 6/26)
Our Flick Erasers ($9.07 from $12.96 until 6/26)
Animal Hunter Z ($4.49 from $9.99 until 6/25)
Lazy Galaxy: Rebel Story ($0.10 from $7.99 until 6/21)
Abyss ($0.98 from $2.99 until 6/25)
99Seconds ($0.98 from $2.99 until 6/25)
99Moves ($0.98 from $2.99 until 6/25)
Spoiler Alert ($0.10 from $4.99 until 6/12)
Pizza Parking ($1.19 from $5.99 until 6/25)
Caterpillar Royale ($2.24 from $4.99 until 6/25)
Dark Quest 2 ($5.49 from $10.99 until 6/25)
Spell Casting: Purrfect ($0.99 from $9.99 until 6/20)
Rally Rock ‘N Racing ($3.49 from $9.99 until 6/25)
Battle & Crash ($2.24 from $4.99 until 6/25)
Collide-a-Ball 2 ($2.24 from $4.99 until 6/25)
Boreal Blade ($5.99 from $19.99 until 6/19)
SpaceColorsRacer ($0.59 from $5.99 until 6/25)
Dungeon Shooting ($2.24 from $4.99 until 6/25)
Rigid Force Redux ($17.99 from $19.99 until 6/19)
Strawberry Vinegar ($7.99 from $9.99 until 6/22)
Pinball Lockdown ($1.99 from $5.99 until 6/25)
Dots 8 ($0.19 from $1.99 until 6/25)
The Forgotten Land ($9.99 from $14.99 until 6/25)
Tardy ($1.99 from $9.99 until 6/23)
Mushroom Quest ($0.39 from $2.99 until 6/16)
Drawngeon ($2.99 from $4.99 until 6/21)
Aborigenus ($1.24 from $4.99 until 6/16)
Mech Rage ($0.49 from $9.99 until 6/23)
Sweet Witches ($1.49 from $9.99 until 6/23)
Event Horizon: Space Defense ($1.97 from $6.99 until 6/23)
Diabolic ($1.49 from $4.99 until 6/16)
Make War ($5.99 from $9.99 until 6/26)
Coast Guard: Beach Rescue Team ($8.99 from $11.99 until 6/25)
Bridge Strike ($3.98 from $6.99 until 6/26)
Deployment ($0.99 from $9.99 until 6/14)
Sales Ending Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 9th
Archaica: The Path of Light ($7.49 from $14.99 until 6/9)
Atomic Heist ($0.99 from $7.99 until 6/9)
Death Squared ($3.89 from $14.99 until 6/9)
Debtor ($0.98 from $2.99 until 6/9)
Funny Bunny Adventures ($0.99 from $4.99 until 6/9)
Let’s Go Nuts ($0.99 from $9.99 until 6/9)
OTTTD ($1.99 from $7.99 until 6/9)
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid ($11.99 from $19.99 until 6/9)
Super Chariot ($1.49 from $14.99 until 6/9)
Super One More Jump ($1.99 from $7.00 until 6/9)
Tactical Mind 2 ($0.99 from $4.99 until 6/9)
That’s all for today, friends. I’ll be back tomorrow with summaries of the newest releases, a review of Xenoblade Chronicles, and whatever news and new sales come along in the interim. I hope you all have a decent Monday, and as always, thanks for reading!