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‘Revue Starlight Re LIVE’ Is Getting a Global Release Later This Month as the Game Adaptation of the Popular Revue Starlight Franchise in Japan

Games based on manga or anime brands are pretty common these days. Games based on stage performances that saw anime releases and more stage performances aren’t as common. That’s exactly what Revue Starlight Re LIVE is. It launched in Japan a while ago on the App Store and Google Play and was sadly IP locked for players outside Japan. It obviously didn’t support multiple languages at the time. That will change this month because the developers, Ateam Inc., just announced a localisation and global release for Revue Starlight Re LIVE. Watch the trailer for it below:

When it launches later this month, Revue Starlight Re LIVE will be localised into English, Korean, and Traditional Chinese. If you’ve watched the anime before but not played the game, the game features an original story with nine “Stage Girls" from the musical and the anime series That join the 15 new ones in the game. Revue Starlight Re LIVE has turn based combat with music intertwined at all times. Since this is based on a brand that started out as a musical, music will obviously play a large part.

If you’re interested, you can pre-register for it here. Pre-registering nets you up to Nine Seisho Music Academy Stage Girls. Check out the official website (Japanese) here and the official Twitter account here. The English website is also live here. Revue Starlight Re LIVE will release for free later this month (a confirmed date will be announced soon) and will require iOS 9 and later or Android 4.4 and later.

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