
The Totally Bananas Docu-Game ‘Cosmic Top Secret’ Now Available on Mobile and Steam

Last month we talked about Cosmic Top Secret ($4.99), a new game from developer Klassefilm with an amazing story behind it, and today that game has launched on desktop and mobile. So what’s so amazing about it? Well it starts with Danish filmmaker Trine Laier who while growing up began to suspect that her parents worked as spies for the Danish Defence Intelligence Service during The Cold War. To try and get to the bottom of things Laier has filmed and recorded more than 100 hours of interviews with her parents and their colleagues and, together with Klassefilm and funding from the Danish Film Institute, they’ve now turned all of that interview material into an interactive game of discovery called Cosmic Top Secret. The game also uses an art style that’s totally unlike anything I’ve seen before, check it out, it’ll blow your mind.

The game itself has you traveling between different locations based around real Cold War events to uncover clues and collect more than 400 pieces of intel to complete secret dossiers and learn the truth. You’ll also meet a number of characters in the game, many of whom are based on real figures from the Cold War and to the present day. It’s a really fascinating story and even prior to release the premise and unique look of Cosmic Top Secret has earned it award recognition at various festivals. If you want to know how truly hardcore the developers were in creating this game, consider this: “As part of the game’s production, Trine interviewed her parents and their former colleagues for 7 years, building a portfolio of over 100 hours of video and audio footage. The game’s dedication to accurately depicting Cold War events is such that Trine arranged meetings at the Headquarters of the Danish Military Intelligence to secure clearance on the use of the interviews and certain documents within the game." Yes that’s right, this game required military clearance to be released.

Cosmic Top Secret is available today on iOS at the link below, on Android in the Google Play Store, and on Steam.