
Best New iPhone Games on Our Forums: ‘Evergarden’, ‘’, ‘Bendy in Nightmare Run’, ‘Thunderdogs’ and More

It’s National Relaxation Day today, which fits perfectly in line with stretching out on the couch, and doing absolutely nothing other than working your way through the absurd amount of new games that have been released this week. I think Barbearian ($8.99) is going to be the big winner this week in our community, but there’s a ton of other stuff in this list that is worth playing. Dive in, check some games out, drop your impressions in their respective forum threads, and most importantly… Relax.

Here’s the full list of new games that have been posted to our forums so far:

As usual, stay tuned for our full roundup later this evening, which we typically post around 11:00 PM eastern or potentially a tiny bit later if there’s a bunch of last minute surprises.