
Best iPhone Game Updates: ‘Hearthstone’, ‘Dandara’, ‘Fire Emblem Heroes’, ‘Tiny Tower’, and More

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Hello everyone, and welcome to the week! It’s time once again for our look back at the noteworthy updates of the last seven days. The funny thing is that since we are in the midst of the E3 show, the chances that anyone is actually reading this are pretty slim. That means I can do whatever I want! But I won’t. Instead, I’ll just deliver the usual grab bag of interesting updates for you to mull over as you eat your breakfast. Of course, you can keep an eye out for updates yourself using AppShopper or by participating in the TouchArcade forums. This weekly summary is just here to fill you in on the things you might have missed. Let’s dig in!

MARVEL Avengers Academy, Free Well, at least as far as Avengers Academy goes, the Infinity War is over. Which means it’s time for the next event, this one featuring Cloak and Dagger. They have a TV show now! No one knows why. But if you’re up for grinding the same battle 75 times to unlock new characters and/or rank them up, have I got an event for you! Also featuring Daredevil, Moon Knight, Blade, Firebird, and a whole lot of praying to the RNG gods.

Fire Emblem Heroes, Free It’s the Fire Emblem Heroes 2.6 update, featuring some new stuff that you can probably just ignore if you want. First up, UI improvements to the Allies menu, which is very welcome given just how many characters there are at this point. You can accessorize now, too. Add a little hat or ribbon or what-have-you. It’s a thing. You’ll earn more SP on level-ups now, and there are some new weapon skills and weapon upgrades to check out.

Dandara Trials of Fear Edition, $3.99 Dandara gets a bunch of additions, tweaks, and such in its first major update since launch. Those having issues with the camera will enjoy the new feature that allows you to fix the camera so that, say, north is always up. The UI and controls have gotten some adjustments to make the game a little less of a hassle to play, and hey, iCloud support! Some of the levels have had elements added or removed to make the game a bit fairer, and some bad little buggies have been squished. Making a great game better is what updates are all about, so enjoy the coveted UMMSotW award for this week, Dandara!

RollerCoaster Tycoon® Touchâ„¢, Free RollerCoaster Tycoon Touch has been quite successful for Atari, so it looks like the fun is going to keep rolling on for the time being. In this new version, you can enjoy scenarios, the popular mode from the other games that was inexplicably not in this one from the start. Deal with special game conditions and beat the goals before time is up. Don’t worry about losing your main park while you play these, as you can now hop between parks using the new Park Hub. So what’s in it for you if you beat these scenarios? Ride skins! You can use these to give your attractions a cool new theme to make your park look like a whole new place. There are currently three scenarios, each with three difficulty levels. That’s nine skins you can unlock at the moment, and more are certainly on the way.

Tiny Tower: Tap Idle Evolution, Free Just when you think it might finally be done, Tiny Tower gets another little update to keep things going. It’s not a huge one in the grand scheme of things, but this update does include two new costumes and a new summer music track. There are also some improvements to the UI, including new ways to sort, an increased friends list size, and an indicator showing how many player visitors are remaining. All this plus the usual bug fixes and little tweaks.

Hosted Games, Free Have you ever thought that instead of passively experiencing Pride & Prejudice that you’d rather be living it? That’s the hook of the latest adventure added to Hosted Games, The Courting of Miss Bennet. It’s 1813, and you’ve got five suitors to choose from. Will you follow canon, or go in your own direction? It’s all up to you. For all the younger readers, I have to apologize in advance as I don’t think there are any zombies in this version. Yes, we used to have stories without zombies. It was an era, alright.

World of Warships Blitz 3D War, Free Warships! They’re like tanks but crossed with rubber duckies. Ha. Well, all of you virtual rubber ducky commanders have some new content to dig into. There are 10 new UK cruisers in the latest update to World of Warships, and they’re bringing the new London Port along with them. Blueprint containers have now replaced the old daily containers, allowing you to collect said prints a lot faster than before. You can unlock those containers by battling and beating challenges. This new version also does some buffing and re-balancing. Ominous. I’m sure it’s okay.

7 Wonders, $4.99 I don’t play this one, so bear with me, fans. This new version of 7 Wonders adds new expansion cities to the game, with new black cards, leaders, wonders, and guilds to enjoy. Online games have a timer now, so if you’re too indecisive your move will be made for you, and you may not like it! Aside from that, it seems like a bunch of nifty UI improvements, some important bug fixes, and some minor tweaks of other sorts. Have they hit the full seven yet, or are there more to come? These answers and more can be found by asking someone who knows the game better, friends!

PAKO 2, $1.99 Oh dear, what am I to do here? Pako 2 is a cool game, and this update certainly adds content that players may want to know about. So I really need to include it, but all the update notes tell me is that they’ve added some new cars and a new map called Magpie Island. It’s not really enough to fill a paragraph with, putting me in the sort of dilemma that results in a bunch of filler text like this. I guess I’ll just reiterate that Pako 2 is a neat game, and there are some fun new things to check out in it, and hope it all comes out in the wash. Phew.

Hearthstone, Free Hey hey, it’s the Taverns of Time special event in Hearthstone! Temporal chaos! Realities smashing into each other like a summer comic book event! 28 special new cards unique to the Arena! Some special daily quests? Yeah, why not. Log in on June 13th and you can claim a free Golden Classic Pack. Also in this update is the Get in Here Bundle, a new limited bundle you can buy that contains tons of goodies. You can buy as many as you’d like until it goes away on June 19th, so stock up if you’re feeling it.

That about wraps it up for last week’s significant updates. I’m sure I’ve missed some, though, so please feel free to comment below and let everyone know if you think something should be mentioned. As usual, major updates will likely get their own news stories throughout this week, and I’ll be back next Monday to summarize and fill in the blanks. Have a great week!

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