Hello everyone, and happy post-Kobolds & Catacombs week. As is always the case after a Hearthstone (Free) expansion drops, the community is all energized and players are trying to figure out what decks to put together and whether their new Legendary is useful (hint: usually, it’s not). Players appear happy with the new cards and especially with the new Dungeon Run mode, as you’ll read in a few stories today. And we also have stories about the best decks to play post-Kobolds, although it’s definitely too early to definitively say which decks are the best and which are just crazy experiments or hopeful thinking. How have you been enjoying the new expansion? Sounds off in the comments below!

Hearthstone Directors Answer Questions About Kobolds & Catacombs
If you want to know more about Kobolds & Catacombs, head over to this story and read an interview by Jason Chayes and Steve Shimizu. The story talks about the inspiration behind the new expansion, the final mechanics, Recruit, and more, so make sure to check it out, even though you’ve probably heard most of the information before.
Kobolds & Catacombs Guide
Right after an expansion hits, the game’s meta goes all crazy, at least for a while. This story tries to help you build the right decks regardless of the class you feel like playing. Whether these decks are strong or not remains to be seen, but having some netdecking help early on in an expansion when everyone is still experimenting isn’t a bad thing, right?
Best Kobolds & Catacombs Decks to Try
Another useful netdecking source that goes into more detail on the various decks and explains what the various cards can offer to the deck under consideration. There’s Kolento’s Big Ramp Druid, Thijs’ Big Hunter, Mpi’s Dragon Highlander Priest, and many more. Check them all here and feel free to add any of your own in the comments below.
Dungeon Run Is a Win for Blizzard
As the title of this story deftly explains, Dungeon Run is a great new mode and one of the best things Blizzard has ever added to the game. The story talks about the way the mode builds in variety and replayability and how entertaining the new mode can be. What do you think about Dungeon Run so far? Is it something you felt was missing from the game?
Dungeon Run Is the Single-Player Mode the Game Always Needed
As you can guess from the title, the writer of this story sees Dungeon Run as the perfect single-player mode for what has been primarily a multiplayer game. He sees it as great for beginners but also veterans, who often want a lower-stakes game mode with replay value. He does complain about the lack of long-time rewards, but it still stands as a great way to pass some time playing the game.
3 Tips for Dungeon Run Success
If you’re having a hard time taking out those Dungeon Run bosses, read this story. It offers advice on what kind of treasures and loot to get, what to avoid doing in the early stages if you want to still be strong in the later stages, and how to prepare for the various bosses. While not very detailed, it’s still a helpful guide that includes a very useful full boss list.
New Card Looks a Lot Like a Magic Card
Apparently, one of the new Hearthstone cards looks a lot like a Magic card from 17 years ago. Specifically, Violet Wurm is very, very close to Magic’s Symbiotic Wurm in terms of stats and abilities, but at least the art is different. Both cards were partly designed by the same person, Mike Donais, so the similarities shouldn’t be too surprising. Check out the whole story here.
15 Most Promising Kobolds Cards to Look Out For
If you want to know which cards from the new set have the most potential, read this story. The writer looks at all kinds of cards, including Vulgar Homunculus, Twilight Acolyte, and Hooked Reaver, and tries to predict which ones could be influential (each for their own reasons). Do you agree with the list, or do you have different predictions?
New Legendary Weapons Ranked
The new expansion has added Legendary Weapons for the first time, and you can head this way if you want to see them ranked according to their effectiveness. Dragon Soul (Priest) comes in last with Aluneth (Mage) getting second place and Val’anyr (Paladin) top place because it can get a ton of work done for you (unless silence has something to say about it). Check out the rest of the list here to see whether you got a good free Legendary Weapon or a dud.

Best of Legendary Weapons
Best of Kobolds & Catacombs Moments
Woecleaver Is Actually Good?
Deck of Wonders Is Insane
WTF Moments #239
New OP Card?
The Darkness Counter
7 New Interactions
How to Play Without Buying Decks
100,000 Damage Explosive Runes