
‘ARise’ Is an ARKit-Made Platformer for Your iOS 11 Devices

TouchArcade Rating:

Yesterday was the day that iOS devices officially welcome ARKit and, hopefully, all the augmented reality wonders that will come with it, and we’ve been seeing some interesting attempts by developers at making augmented reality actually matter for their games. The just-released ARise (Free) (got it?) has you guiding a tiny adventurer across all kinds of platforms as you try and reach the top, retrieve the sacred sword, and awaken the monster. As you can see from the trailer below, the game has you moving your device around to change your perspective and find the right path. And the visuals are pretty nice and bright, which should make the game look good on your kitchen table or living room floor (and I can see kids really enjoying this).

I’m glad we are already starting to see augmented reality games that aren’t just normal games on your table but, rather, seem to actually use ARKit’s capabilities. The game costs $2.99 and comes with three levels, with additional levels coming free of charge in the coming months. What do you think about AR and games like ARise? Do you think they can become hits?  One issue that I have with ARKit games so far is that they require me to move around my house a bit too much, and I’m not always up for that (my couch is too comfortable). Are you fine with having to move around a room in order to play a game?

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