The Corpse Party ($7.99) franchise made its debut on iOS back in 2012 in Japan. The original hit the App Store and had no support for English at the time, but thankfully we now have two of the three Corpse Party games localized. If you’re ready for some absolutely creepy horror and genuinely scary moments, you might want to check out the two localized releases here, as 5pb. is having a sale on the App Store for the full franchise. This sale is on until August 20th, with some great discounts on the included titles. While the games are available on multiple platforms, there are some cases where the iOS version is the definitive version, such as with Blood Drive. I’m a big fan of playing adventure games and visual novels on portable devices, so having these on iOS is fantastic.
Corpse Party ($7.99) – Reduced all the way from $21.99, this is the first entry in 5pb’s Heavenly Host series. Corpse Party is a very special game for me and one that I can easily recommend owning on any portable platform. I’ve played it 4 times so far, across every platform it has been released on in English. While I’m still annoyed that the iOS version is iPhone only (it plays on iPad, but isn’t optimised for tablets), any horror fan will find something to love here. This is also the lowest price I’ve seen it at on any platform ever, so a definite bargain.
Corpse Party: Blood Drive ($12.99) – Blood Drive is the end of the Heavenly Host series. If you’re wondering where the second game is, well 5pb. haven’t localized the iOS release yet, but it is discounted to $3.99 if you’d like a Japanese version of Corpse Party: Book of Shadows ($22.99). Blood Drive was made for PS Vita and unfortunately suffered a ton of performance problems on that platform. Shaun reviewed the iOS version and, as you expect, it is the definitive version of Blood Drive. This is also quite a hefty discount, bringing it to $9.99 from the high price of $31.99.