Hearthstone (Free) developers have talked about considering new ways of giving players free packs and free cards, and this Saturday, May 20th, they’ll give away a single free card to every player who logs in that day. The free card is the 6-mana 4/4 Fight Promoter, which has a Battlecry “If you control a minion with 6 or more Health, draw cards." Before you start reading way too much into this Blizzard move, Ben Brode has said that they aren’t testing anything or teasing anything; they just wanted to keep the game “spicy" by doing a fun one-off. There are bigger events planned for the future, and this is them just getting warmed up.
We’ve often talked about alternative ways of card releases, and I’m still hoping that in the near future we’ll be getting new cards in a way similar to the Fight Promoter giveaway. That would spice up the game nicely, I think. Don’t forget to log in this Saturday to get your free card (or free dust).