Mudd Masher, the fun-looking blend of Mutant Mudds ($4.99) and Totes the Goat (Free), is ready to hop onto the App Store on March 2nd, and it looks like a blast. If you haven’t read our earlier stories on it, Atooi Games’ Mudd Masher takes the theme of Mutant Mudds and applies it to the gameplay of the Q-Bert-like Totes the Goat. As you can see from the trailer below, in Mudd Masher you hop around the level trying to create a safe path for you by turning blocks into mud.
The game will offer 8 worlds to reclaim with plenty of Gems scattered around for you to collect. Mash-ups don’t always work well, but Mudd Masher looks like it got it right, and it should make for some entertaining hopping come March 2nd.