
Bethesda Vaguely Teases Next Mobile Game

This story is more about the possibilities than the present reality, but when Bethesda is involved, the possibilities are intriguing. Todd Howard, Bethesda Game Studios’ Director, talked recently about the huge success of Fallout Shelter (Free), a success that caught them by surprise and became the impetus for more mobile games coming down the pipeline. Fallout Shelter will continue getting updates and keeping players engaged, but apparently there’s a second mobile project game under development, one that Bethesda has been thinking about for a while. It looks like the game won’t be very similar to Fallout Shelter, but that’s pretty much all we know about it.

Fallout Shelter has been out for quite some time now, so I’m not surprised that another mobile game is coming down the pipeline. The Elder Scrolls: Legends CCG is also about to come to mobile, but I can’t wait to see what another made-for-mobile Bethesda game will look like. Any predictions/wishes?

[via Gamespot]

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