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Solve Puzzles with Time Paradoxes in ‘Causality’

I recently saw puzzle game Causality being shared on Twitter, as a Steam game and thought “this seems perfect for mobile, why isn’t this on mobile?" Well, I’m not saying that The Secret works, but I just got the news today that Causality is coming to mobile on February 13th. You have to get each astronaut to their proper goal without suffering from a nasty case of death. But the trick is that you can manipulate time and use your past selves to help work your way through puzzles, eventually making your way to safety through the power of selective time paradoxes.

Causality looks slick and full of some clever puzzles, and I’m looking forward to playing this on mobile next week. Check it out on iOS and Android on February 13th, though if you can’t wait and want to play on PC like some kind of madman, you can do that right now.

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