If you have an iOS device and you’ve been looking forward to getting Season 2 of Sentinels of the Multiverse ($6.99) this Friday as originally announced, I am sorry. Because of some unexpected issues described in this blog post, the iOS will probably not be coming this Friday but at a later, yet unannounced date. The good new for Android players is that Season 2 will release this Friday as originally planned. The release will also come with a 48 period discount period, a perfect time to pick up the game and its many expansions. Because of the iOS issues, Dark Watch Setback won’t be available for unlocking until all platforms have the new version of the game.

If you aren’t familiar with the Season 2 contents, it includes Vengeance, Villains of the Multiverse, Mini-Pack 4, Void Guard, and OblivAeon. Starting this Friday, you’ll be able to have access to three decks as an early taste of what Season 2 has to offer. These decks are Setback, Chokepoint, and The Temple of Zhu Long. You can check out more details about Season 2 here, and if you’re an iOS player, patience is the word.