So many zombies everywhere you look, from TV to the movies to comic books. We just don’t seem to get enough of those cute, lumbering brain-eaters. Zombie King, an upcoming runner with a zombie theme, has you playing the reanimated corpse of a King who was exiled and subsequently drowned (sounds very Game of Thrones-like) but now is back and looking to retake his place. Coming back from the dead, though, means he isn’t going to be in tip-top shape; therefore, he continuously has to upgrade and improve his body with each run in an effort to regain his former virility.

Every time you play a level, you collect coins that you then use to buy more energy (life) for the next run so you can get a bit further. You can also buy abilities like spike-walking-boots, double jump, etc, which you, again, use to get further in your next run and get more coins. Seems like a fun idea, but it will all depend on how tight the controls are and whether the levels are entertaining enough to keep you coming back. The game is almost ready for release, so it shouldn’t be too long now. If you want to see more of the game, check our forum thread here.