Square Enix Montreal is continuing to expand their series of fun and clever GO games based on Square Enix properties. Next up on the list is Deus Ex GO, which promises to be pretty much what it says on the tin: turn-based puzzle-action set in the Deus Ex universe, specifically featuring protagonist of Mankind Divided, Adam Jensen, fighting the Juggernaut Collective with TF29. The game seems to use a highly-stylized universe full of hex grids (real game!). Where each GO game had a different feel and some twists along with the similar setup, here hacking and various augmentations hope to give this one a unique feel.
This one’s set to hit mobile this summer, and don’t be surprised if there’s more games, including a potential Just Cause GO at some point in the future thanks to some registered domain names. So yeah, with Deux Ex: Mankind Divided in the works, Deus Ex GO has kind of been a poorly-kept secret. But who here isn’t up for more GO games if they keep being so fun and clever?