If you’re the kind of person who is always losing your car keys and other similar small stuff, the various Bluetooth tracking tags that have been released over the years are a great solution to find your stuff. Using an app, you pair the tags with your phone, then can make those tags beep when you use the app again as long as you’re within 75′ of your stuff. Courtesy of TouchArcade Deals, we’re offering the 2nd generation iHere 3.0 Bluetooth tracking device for $22.99. Unlike the other Bluetooth trackers out there which are totally sealed single use devices, this one is rechargeable, with each charge lasting several weeks.
The companion app is available for iOS and Android. If you’re always frustrated you can’t find your keys, these things are a great solution… Provided you also know where your phone is, but that’s what Find My iPhone is for. Although, you need a computer for that, but if you’ve lost your keys, your phone, and your computer, you’ve probably got bigger problems. Anyway, if this sounds like something you need in your life, head over to TouchArcade Deals and check it out.