
This Morning’s New iPhone Games: ‘Raid Brigade’, ‘The Beautiful Dream’, ‘Moto RKD Dash’ and More

Alright, well, since all but one or two of these games are available on the US App Store right now, it felt like a change in title was in order even though we’ve been on a 70 week streak of using the same “New iPhone Games Coming Tonight" prefix, but, hey, whatever. There’s some interesting stuff in here, namely another game from NetEase, moto RKD dash seems like a neat motorcycle game, and of course, what would October be without firing up the Slenderman copy machine?

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Anyway, here’s the games that have been posted to our forums so far. If your game isn’t here, you should post a thread for it!

Stay tuned for our full roundup later this evening around 11:00 PM Eastern, we’ll likely collect a few other straggler games throughout the day that’ll be in there, even though this is a pretty hefty bundle right now.

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