Mighty Games is an intriguing company consisting of four Australian developers with a boatload of experience in mobile: Matt Hall and Andy Sum, best known for their work on Crossy Road Crossy Road (Free) are part of Mighty Games along with Ben Britten (who worked with Tin Man Games on many gamebooks) and Matt Ditton, who worked on Breath of Light ($1.99) with Many Monkeys. The foursome has just announced and released gameplay footage for their first game, Shooty Skies, and it’s interestingly enough, a shoot ’em up:
It definitely seems to have a Crossy Road visual vibe to it, and you can see some aspects of Pac-Man 256 (Free) in there with perhaps wait timers for special weapon usage, along with needing to collect a certain amount of some in-game thing to get a new unlock. I’m interested to see just how this all plays out. As Crossy Road caused some big shocks to casual games on iOS, seeing two of the principals behind that game trying to tackle shoot ’em ups is well worthy of note.
Just shoot Crossy Road, jeez!