Stitch Games has just announced their upcoming action-adventure game Rok, an intriguing-looking action-puzzler with Norse elements. You’ll be helping the protagonist, an ancient prisoner, escape their predicament by using telekinesis and following a mysterious voice to guide you. Maybe there’s a reason they were in prison, but you’ll have to play to find out. You can interact with the environment to spring traps and manipulate the world to help this prisoner along, and to avoid some of the enemies hunting him down.
Rok is being made for tablets, with the iPad version expected in June, and they’re mentioning that this will be a “premium" experience, so expect to pay for this one. The game will be entirely touch-controlled, so you’ll be able to manipulate enemies and create distractions without using virtual joysticks or the like. The developers have launched a forum thread for Rok if you’re interested in discussing the game or asking questions for the developers.