This year we haven’t seen quite the bonanza of sales we sometimes see around Easter, but there’s still been plenty of great stuff getting discounts. Joining the list is Capcom’s stunning Monster Hunter Freedom Unite ($14.99), down $5.00 from its regular price of $14.99. This is the first time the game has gone on sale since its English launch last summer, and as Capcom sales are relatively few and far between, there’s no telling when it might get discounted again. The sale runs through April 11th, so you’ve got the rest of the week to scour the sofa cushions for the necessary funds.
Originally released on Sony’s PlayStation Portable in 2008, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is where the series finally broke through to the big time in Japan. You play as a new arrival to a village surrounded by wild terrain filled with even wilder monsters. You’ll have to learn how to track and fight monsters, make use of the the local flora and fauna for creating items and gear, and solve the many requests the villagers have. It’s a bit of a slow burn in the beginning, but once it gets its claws into you, you’ll wake up hundred of hours later wondering why you’re wearing a dragon’s head for a cap. The game also features a great multiplayer mode where you and three other people can go hunting together, though its implementation in the iOS version is a bit spotty at times.
We at TouchArcade included it in our Best Games Of 2014 feature at the end of the year, and I personally counted it among my own Top Ten Of 2014. It’s an incredible game with a very satisfying learning curve and almost bottomless content. If you need to read more, may I humbly suggest checking out our review of the game? You should also make a trip to the TouchArcade forums because there’s quite the thread there for the game. Don’t deliberate too long, however. You don’t want to be the last person in the room without a funny story about the first time you took on Tigrex.