Last time we checked in on Orangepixel, the solo developer was working on a turn-based game that was tentatively titled Heroes of Loot 2, a sequel to the action-roguelike Heroes of Loot ($3.99) that was a real-time game. The bad news is that Heroes of Loot 2 is dead. The good news is that the turn-based prototype is officially Orangepixel’s next game, with its own name: Space Grunts. As confirmed on Twitter, this prototype is Orangepixel’s next main project. Check out the latest video of the game:
Space Grunts is turn-based, but designed like an action game with a fast pace. As the developer says on the official site: “I just don’t like the slow pace, and deep statistics that comes with turn-based games.” It’ll be an interesting mix, but the current footage of the game shows something that could just live up to the fast speed of other Orangepixel games, while providing the benefits of turn-based games. This one’s still in development, expected later in 2015, and will be coming to iOS, Android, and desktop.