While we caught wind of at least one mobile game ad that was going to air during the Super Bowl, it turns out that three different games had ads planned for the Game of Much Consequence. Let’s run them down!
Clash of Clans, Free The second of the ads to air last night, and easily the best. This one started off much like other CoC ads with the 3D animation, but eventually shows just who got crushed: Liam Neeson, going full Taken in proclaiming his revenge. Do not mess with AngryNeeson52.
Game of War - Fire Age, Free This was actually the first ad to air during the Super Bowl. Really, it wasn’t much different from the other ads that have been running with the game, with the theme of “There’s fire, golems, and that Kate Upton sure is pretty, isn’t she? You should play our game because Kate Upton is an attractive woman." So, this one could wind up in regular rotation among the other similarly-themed ads for the game.
Heroes Charge, Free This was the last of the 3 ads to air during the Super Bowl, and the only 15 second one. uCool seems to be going for the tactic that Clash of Clans*’ TV ads go for: use 3D animation with over-the-top representations of the gameplay. The ad aired late in the game, which is always a risky choice: the game could be a blowout, but you could get a game that’s close that everyone’s still watching, and that gamble paid off last night. Of course, after a memorable *Clash of Clans* ad in particular, how many people went to download this game right away, especially in the middle of a tense matchup?
Oh, and there were no console games advertised at all last night, in case you just hadn’t fully realized how big free-to-play gaming actually is.