The latest PAX convention happens this weekend down in San Antonio, Texas, with PAX South. This should be an interesting show, because it’s happening at an odd time, between Christmas and the two-headed Game Developers Conference and PAX East monster in early March. So, I’m curious to see how exactly this show turns out, if there is a notable turnout because it is at least happening in a part of the country that doesn’t get a lot of major gaming shows outside of anything in Austin. Sorry Austin, my hometown’s gets this one.

While I’ve already got a few mobile games that I’m scheduled to see, and will be scouring the show floor for anything mobile that’s cool to report on, if you’re a developer with something mobile to show off that wants to book a time with me, just email me and we can set up a time.
If you’re just attending the show, feel free to say hi and/or berate me for rating your favorite game too low if you see me. Additionally, I’m going to be on a panel with the one and only Mike Schramm and other gaming media on Friday at 12:00pm central, come check it out. Mobile-related panels include a Gameloft panel covering Twitch streaming and a Firaxis panel that might just have some interesting things to say about Sid Meier’s Starships.
Hope to see you there if you’re going, and if not, then stay here for coverage from the show.