Following news of how few people paid for Monument Valley, is the somewhat inevitable announcement that the upcoming Need for Speed: Most Wanted (which we posted about yesterday) will in fact be free to play:
@XyoJun Yes, the game will be free to download from the @AppStore and @GooglePlay with the option to make make purchases.
— NFS No Limits (@NFSNL) January 6, 2015
In case you didn’t see the teaser from yesterday, be sure to check it out, the game does look pretty cool:
It seems that EA really learned their lesson from Dungeon Keeper , as recent releases like SimCity BuildIt (Free) have had far less offensive pay models… But, it still seems disappointing. With what modern iOS devices are capable of, there’s nothing I’d rather see than a full-price (i.e. PS Vita-like $39.99) Need for Speed game just to see how awesome it could be with that kind of budget. Sure, it’d be the most pirated game in the history of iOS, but, what is possible at that price point might be eye opening at the same time.