The TouchArcade Show – 173 Side A – We Got Phones

LogoThe original plan for this podcast was to talk about our day playing iOS games on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus… Then the reality of just how long it takes to set up a new iPhone hit. Late in the day, and with nothing really left to talk about that we didn’t already post in first impressions pieces, we record a quick podcast on our experience in line and similar. Once we have more time to spend over the weekend gaming on the new devices, we’ll record the second side of this podcast… I just wanted to have something in the feed so people weren’t wondering what happened.

Don’t forget to shoot us emails with any questions, feedback, or anything else relevant or irrelevant to [email protected]. We read ’em all, even if they don’t make it into the podcast. As always, you can listen to us with the links below… And if you like what you hear, please subscribe and/or drop us a review in iTunes. Much appreciated!


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RSS Feed: The TouchArcade Show
Direct Link: TouchArcadeShow-173-a.mp3, 22.7MB