Invoking the name of Spelunky in any game announcement is serious business. If you haven’t heard of it, Spelunky is an amazing permadeath fully randomized platformer that really hit it big when it was released no Xbox Live Arcade in mid-2012 among other platforms in the following year. The game has a huge following due to its insane difficulty and the amount of skill it takes to reach the end of the game alive.

So, in this game, you’ll similarly explore as deep as you can but it’s through a matching mechanic. There’s 80 levels to solve, hidden treasure to loot, a bunch of environments to explore, and of course, loads of bad guys and obstacles. According to their post on our forums, the game is about 95% complete and will possibly see an early October release following a few more polish passes.
Foursaken Media has done nothing but release awesome games, so, like all their other titles, this seems worth getting excited for.