I love Hearthstone (Free), you love Hearthstone, and it seems like everybody in the whole frickin’ world loves Hearthstone… But we’re going to need to settle in for the inevitable disappointment of these weekly expansions coming to an end next week. But, hey, in the meantime, let’s party down on the Construct Quarter which just went live in the US.
The Construct Quarter is home to Patchwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, and Thaddius as well as the Priest and Warrior class challenges. I’m super curious as to how they’re going to do these boss encounters, as the construct quarter was easily the most memorable part of Naxxramas for me. (Aside from endlessly frinding frost resist only to decide we don’t need it, BUT ALAS.)
Here’s the cards we’ll be unlocking after completing the various bosses and class challenges:

Now, let’s unlock some cards.