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GDC 2013: Hands-on with ‘The Other Brothers’, Launching this Week

It feels like we’ve been waiting for The Other Brothers forever, but after a long and somewhat rocky development this throwback platformer is finally ready for the masses as it’s set for launch this week on April 4th. I sat down with Giuseppe from Simian Squared at GDC last week to give The Other Brothers a spin for myself. Have a look at our hands-on video.

It’s been a long time coming, but I’m really excited to finally get a hold of the finished version of The Other Brothers when it launches later this week. I’ve loved the look of the game since I first laid eyes on it, and after my hands-on time with The Other Brothers at GDC I can confirm that it’s a blast to play as well. Check it out when it hits the App Store April 4th.

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