Quick, to the speculation station! Our pals across the pond at Pocket Gamer spotted something curious while surfing the Chinese App Store: A new-ish version of Need For Speed Most Wanted ($4.99) titled “Need For Speed Most Wanted OL" has launched (and is currently their #1 free app) which not only has all sorts of free to play trimmings but also sports the same time shifted multiplayer found in Real Racing 3 (Free).
The game’s web site [Translated] mentions a career mode, daily challenges, and more. What has us scratching our heads is that Real Racing 3 doesn’t appear to be on the Chinese app store, making us wonder if this is just their version of that game? If that’s the case, why is it so different instead of just a quick and easy re-skin/re-branding? Hmmmm…
We’re reaching out to EA to see what (if anything) we can find out. Stay tuned.
Chinese App Store Link: Need For Speed Most Wanted OL, Free
[via Pocket Gamer]