It seems like there’s never a bad time for a freebie… well, unless it’s for a game that you just purchased a mere moments before its price dropped. I think we’ve all had that happen to us at some point, and it’s not a great feeling. However! The majority of the time, a free game is a sweet, sweet thing.
Today the price dropping bug has hit Tiny Troopers (Free), an overhead military-themed action/strategy game that launched back in June. If you remember the classic Cannon Fodder, then Tiny Troopers should conjure up some nostalgic feelings as that was one of its main inspirations. It’s a similar affair where you direct a troop of soldiers around various battlefield scenarios, choosing the right weapons and paths to lead you past the enemies and to the goal.
We thought Tiny Troopers was excellent in our review, and that was at the shockingly outrageous price of $2.99. For free this is basically a no-brainer. Also, since release Tiny Troopers has received a couple of content updates, the most recent of which added an endless survivor mode. Tiny Troopers will be free for the next week, so make sure you grab it while the grabbing’s good and don’t forget to join the discussion in our forums.