Let’s pretend that rumor is fact, and iPad 3 is going to rock a high-resolution, Retina Display screen similar to the one we have on our phones. What will our games look like with it, and how will developers tackle the new hardware? The latter is a question a lot of studios are asking themselves and there’s no clear answer. The former is something a developer named Kevin Ng of WordCrasher Blitz [Free] fame is blogging about, and he has a few tantalizing pictures to share.
For a little context, the following are shots from Food Run. That’s Kevin’s upcoming iOS title. It’s being created using vectors instead of bitmaps, so the art can be scaled to any size, including a 2048 x 1536 resolution, which is popularly believed to be iPad 3’s screen resolution.

That’s quite a change isn’t it? We’re drooling over here. Seriously. Someone get a towel. A cup. Something.
Kevin also jotted down a bunch of really cool thoughts on iPad 3 and how it will affect developers, so give his blog post a read if you’re really interested. Apple is expected to announce iPad 3 during its March 7th event in San Francisco. We’ll be there and will get you any news as soon as possible.
[via book of the dev]