
‘Epoch’ Goes On Sale

TouchArcade Rating:

Uppercut Games‘s ridiculously awesome cover-based shooter, Epoch [$2.99], is seeing its first price reduction since its November launch. For a limited time, you can grab it at $2.99 instead of its usual $5.99. I ran this deal past a few of our math wizards, and they’re telling me this is 50 percent off the regular price, so that’s cool.

Epoch was a big hit with us. We awarded it a lot of stars, and loved how it made cover actually feel good. That’s a rare thing in third-person shooters, even though there’s a billion-plus-two of them out there on shelves at the moment. Give it a shot if you didn’t grab it yet, or hey, read our full-length review and decide.

  • EPOCH.

    EPOCH - Post-apocalyptic Robot Combat Featured as "Game of the Week" on the App Store! Trailer http://youtu.be/I8zc-Qx…
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