That Infinity Blade 2 [$6.99] fix? It’s out. Earlier last week, droves of users with fourth gen iPod Touches and first generation iPads were reporting nasty crash issues with Epic and Chair’s stellar follow-up. Epic was quick to say, “Hey, we’re going to fix this thing" and it appears as though the duo has with version 1.01., if reports from our message board are a good indication.
Unfortunately, there’s still some rare bugs out there that this update hasn’t squashed. Some of our readers are still having problems with frame rate and game transitions in a post-patch environment, while others are still reporting a dreadful-sounding save file glitch that consistently resets progress when the game is restarted. We’re all pretty confident that, again, Epic and Chair are really interested in hammering out an update for these things in short order, but we’re checking in to make sure.
Regardless, if you or a loved one is having any of these issues (or another), feel free to check out the game’s message board thread. There’s a couple of solutions in there that seem to be working out for those having problems.
UPDATE: Chair shot us this statement about the upcoming update:
“We are working to resolve an issue impacting some users who are running Infinity Blade 2 on iPad 1 and iPod touch 4 devices. We have already released one update to address some of the issues and another is on the way. We will continue working through this until its resolved."