
‘Ultimate Shuffleboard’ Appears To Do Multiple Device Play Right

TouchArcade Rating:

Ultimate Shuffleboard [$.99] is a boldly branded product for a good reason: it’s definitely a cut or two above the rest out there. Peak Systems, a self-described “full service" firm based out in Seattle, have puzzled out a way to link multiple iPhones to a single game of its shuffleboard title. The end result, as shown in its demo trailer, is pretty hip.

The story behind this is pretty cool, too. In a developer blog post, Peak said it wanted to figure out a way to get That One Guy in their real-life shuffleboard group off his phone and into the game. The easiest way to do that, apparently, was to make a game that required and included his or her phone.

Utlimate Shuffleboard requires at least two phones and it seems pretty easy to set up. A host makes the match, others join, and then you put the phones together end-to-end.

We’ve seen a developers dabbling in using multiple devices in their games, but sticks out to us as a really implementation of the technology. Plus, it practically requires its users to be social while using it, which is something we don’t see a lot in this space in general. Neat!

  • Ultimate Shuffleboard

    Ultimate Shuffleboard brings the classic tabletop experience to your iPhone. Start your game by connecting 2+ iPhones ov…
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