Need help finding your way around Dead Island? There’s an official app for that. The new FPS zombie action game from the developers of Call of Juarez, Techland, is launching at brick and mortar this morning alongside a novel App Store companion app that’ll help you navigate the game’s sprawling and complex open world. The Universal, $2.99 app is the result of a group effort between BradyGames and game publisher Deep Silver.
In addition to providing basic navigation support, the Official Dead Island Map App [$2.99] also shows off locations to all the hidden items in the game, as well as allows you to keep track of what you’ve collected. For whatever reason, it also boasts music from the game.
The thing it’s missing is true connectivity — the app and your saved game don’t talk to each other, which leaves all the record-keeping up to you. Still, this is a really cool idea and I hope more publishers invest in these kinds of companion pieces moving forward. I mean, imagine having apps that keep micro-game elements in your pocket, or keep track of multiplayer stats, or you know, even allow you to plan out your next in-game visitation. There are tons of viable possibilities.