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‘Boondock Saints’ Heading to the App Store Next Week

The Boondock Saints is a cult classic movie based around Connor and Murphy MacManus, a pair of Irish twins who believe God calls upon them to purge the fair city of Boston of gang evil. The movie bombed in box offices, but went on to make over $50m in home video and DVD sales. If you haven’t seen it yet, and you like bullet-packed action movies, you should really check it out on NetFlix streaming. Much like the Predator movies and Predators [99¢ / Free], it seems like the Boondock Saints movies has more than enough in it to make a fun iPhone game.

The cleverly titled The Boondock Saints Mobile Game is a dual stick shooter based on the Boondock Saints movies. It comes with an entirely new story exclusive to the game, and you can choose to play as either of the brothers while cleansing Boston of filth. Along the way you’ll run in to many characters from the movies, and of course, tons of different weaponry.

The Boondock Saints Mobile Game will be appearing on the App Store next Thursday the 28th for $1.99. Once the game is released, we’ll take a closer look.