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‘1000: Find ‘Em All!’ Teaser Trailer Released

glu-mobile-logoA trailer was recently released for Glu’s exploration and collection game, 1000: Find ‘Em All!. In the video, Chris White, head of Glu’s London studio, reveals the three different ways the game can be played. First off, with a GPS-capable device, you can wander around in the real world visiting locations shown inside the game with presents to be found. Travel there, and the game awards you with one of the many items available.

If you don’t have a device with GPS, or the thought of wandering city streets to collect virtual goods doesn’t appeal to you, there are two other way to collects in-game presents: Exploring in-game, coloring the black and white landscape in the process or finding random WiFi hotspots. Item generation based on WiFi data sounds a lot like Monster Rancher for the PlayStation, a game that used data from music CD’s inserted in to the system as the seed for the random monster generator.

The idea behind the game seems cool enough, and there’s no doubt that there are people out there who love games with tons of things to collect and unlock. I just can’t quite decide if the GPS functionality and the exploration Glu asks you to do with the game is going to turn out to be a really neat gameplay element, or a gimmick players will ignore, choosing instead to just run around in-game.

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