Wait, I don’t object to that, at all actually. According to Famitsu (via andriasang), Capcom announced an iPhone game based on the popular Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney series at at talk held earlier today at the Apple Store in Ginza, Japan. We have very few details right now aside from a set of screenshots, usage of “flick" input methods, and mobile content head Takeshi Tezuka assured the crowd that the game would be more than just a port.

Phoenix Wright games are a strange mixture of a visual adventure game that play a lot like mixture of a hidden object game and a “Choose Your Own Adventure" book. The game is segmented in to two portions, the investigation and the trial. While investigating, you visit various location and gather evidence by looking around and interviewing anyone who is around. When you’re finished with that, you go to court where you cross examine witnesses, present evidence, and object to the arguments presented by the prosecuting lawyer.
Here is a trailer for the DS version of the game:
While a Phoenix Wright game is a very welcome addition to Capcom’s lineup of games on the iPhone, I hope Capcom designs the game with the play style of most iPhone gamers in mind. Cases in previous Phoenix Wright games have been fairly elaborate, and it’s hard to say how well that will translate to this platform.