Upcoming Games

Peggle’s U.S. Release is Tonight

peggle2PopCap’s Peggle is slowly being released across the world onto Apple’s iTunes App Store. The game has been scheduled for a May 12th release, so readers in other countries are starting to see the game become available.

We normally don’t post about a release until it’s available in the U.S. as there usually isn’t much to do but wait. But this time, you can download the free Mac or PC version to see if it’s a game you’d like on your iPhone.

The iPhone version of Peggle will cost $4.99 in the U.S. and should be available tonight at around 11 p.m. eastern.

App Store Link: Peggle, $4.99 (may work in some countries).

Update: Peggle is out worldwide including the U.S. Video coming soon.

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