On The Rocks Productions has released to TouchArcade exclusive details of their upcoming Diablo-like RPG iPhone game called Legion of Amon. The game is described as an “action packed RPG" with a large variety of weapons, enemies, traps, collectible items with “a great story which will keep you playing until the end."
A pack of cultists built a giant mecha to summon Amon into it to control him and his Legion. Something went horribly wrong and you now have to battle through the cultists and Amon’s Legion to get to him.
The company has been around for 3 years as a film and commercial house, and they have just launched their games division 6 months ago and are heavily focusing their resources into iPhone game development.
While they are proud of their initial iPhone gaming release TiltaFun [App Store], they fully admit that that was just a “fun" game to get their toes wet with the App Store process. Their upcoming titles include Thor, Cardio and finally Legion of Amon. While Legion of Amon is the furthest out, it will fulfill the “action RPG" genre that is clearly in demand based on the superficial response to iDracula.
Despite just having concept shots to show at this time, On the Rocks reports that the game is very much in production with significant work already done.
On the Rocks is ambitiously planning on a variety of environments, side quests and weapons with incremental upgrades.
The game, of course, will rely on a touch-screen interface that allows you to select and control your character as well as “assistant androids" that can help fight, heal, fetch objects, and draw enemy fire. On the Rocks is also planning an extensive story-line with more traditional RPG elements outside of fighting including character-character interactions. The exact details are, of course, subject to change, though the scope of this iPhone-exclusive title seems massive.
Concept Gameplay designs: