Upcoming Games

Upcoming ‘Duck Duck Duck’ from Majic Jungle [Updated]

David Frampton of Majic Jungle Software, author of Chopper for the iPhone, has released a demo video of a new iPhone game he has just finished called Duck Duck Duck.

Duck Duck Duck starts out with a top-down view of a single rubber duck floating in a pond.  The objective is to float the duck across the pond to a like-colored target by tilting the iPhone.  Once the duck contacts its target, a second duck of a different color jumps into the pond and two colored targets appear.  Guide each duck to its like-colored target successfully and duck number three appears, and so on.  The title offers two modes of play: Time Challenge and Play for Fun.

Features as described by Majic Jungle:

  • Reflected clouds drift by with occasional showers of rain which cause drips in the water.
  • Relaxing ambient sound effects with bird tweets and water and rainfall sounds.
  • Two modes of play – time challenge or just for fun.
  • Multi-touch water interaction.
  • Saves when you exit.
  • Shake or double tap to start again.
  • Every duck, whirl pool, rain drop, or touch influences the surface of the water.

Duck Duck Duck was submitted to the iTunes App Store today and should be available as a $0.99 download in early October.

[ UPDATED 9/24 to link to and reflect info from Majic Jungle’s newly erected product page ]