
Aurora Feint Temporarily Offline

Those looking to download Danielle Cassley and Jason Citron’s popular Aurora Feint game have found that the game is no longer available from the App Store.

It appears that Apple has pulled the application temporarily due to some concerns about the storage of user data. Macenstein explored the issue and found that the game creates a copy of your contacts and stores it locally. Meanwhile, your contact information is sent to their servers when using the community feature.

As it turns out, it appears to simply be the groundwork for future community features rather than for any nefarious purpose.

Some people have noticed that on your iPhone’s hard drive we make a local copy of the email and phone numbers from your contact list. This data is sent to our web servers when you press “Refresh Your Friends” on the community page. It is used ONLY to find other players who you know that have opted in to the community feature of Aurora Feint. This data is NOT saved on our web server. It is saved locally on YOUR iPhone so the game can optimize fetching that friend’s data in the future.

The developers have posted a more detailed explanation on their site and have updated their application to send the data using a secure connection. The new version is currently “in review" and should also include some long standing bug fixes.