Play with the Yokai, typical Japanese supernatural beings. Oni, Kappa, Kitsune, Tanuki, Yuki Onna and Tengu invites you into their world to meet them and have fun.FEATURES
- 8 different stages with fun mini games.
- Locate the Tengu in the right place of the temple.
- Find who is behind the masks of kitsune.
- Feed the Oni.
- Melt the Yuki Onna’s snow.
- Learn the transformations of a Tanuki.
- Give water to kappa and find how happy she gets!
This way everyone can celebrate the festival in the Yokai world temple.
Genre:Education, Family
Release:Mar 16, 2014
Updated:Nov 30, -0001
TouchArcade Rating:Unrated
User Rating:Unrated
Your Rating:unrated
Compatibility:HD Universal