Try your skill at finding words from the toughest word search.Different categories
Many Themes
and cool Sounds
Which will keep you entertaining all through the game.
You Might have played The Game Word Search many times.
News Papers,Internet Games,iPhone Ipad games.Play this word search and tell the difference.
Most of the word searches you see on internet or on iPhone/iPad will make you get bored very fast but this word search is made keeping in mind every age.
Cools Sounds,Great Themes,Funny Animations with very simple words hidden very trickily.
. Keep Watch on the ticks of the clock. The faster you go the higher your score!
Genre:Adventure, Puzzle
Release:May 03, 2010
Updated:Nov 30, -0001
TouchArcade Rating:Unrated
User Rating:Unrated
Your Rating:unrated
Compatibility:HD Universal