Exercise your grey matter every day with Fit Brains Trainer! Our games are designed to test your Awareness, Adaptability, Reflex, Reasoning, Precision, and Patience. This game is a brain tray game of which the motif is the octopus ball. Please feel free to play because it is a game that everyone can easily do. There are ten levels of difficulties. First of all, please remember tooling when the game starts. The kind of the tool that comes out increases as the difficulty goes up. The octopus ball enters the state that the tool is not seen if the remembered time ends. Please choose the same octopus ball as the kind of the tool that comes out up. When the time left vanishes, it is game over. Thank you so much for playing! Now go exercise your brain!
Seller:Riviera Wang
Genre:Education, Puzzle
Release:Jun 29, 2014
Updated:Jan 05, 2017
Size:7.3 MB
TouchArcade Rating:Unrated
User Rating:Unrated
Your Rating:unrated
Compatibility:HD Universal