Enter the dark realm of Block Wars: Survival City, a land that is precariously perched on the edge of The Abyss, and the fate of a nation rests in the hands of one man, Defender of the Gods.In a world that is split between two halves– a light side and a dark side–a terrible war rages. The ultimate fight between good and evil is at hand and the fate of the blocky universe rests solely in your shoulders. In this strategy game, you play s the hero of a world that is slowly being eclipsed by The Darkness. This is the ultimate survival game where you must crush enemy clans and dominate the playing field as you narrowly escape death. Hidden items and a variety of weapons will aid you in your quest, but only skill, timing, and good old fashioned luck will be the ultimate test of survival.
*** Rate kindly! Block Wars: Survival City is full of epic game play and as such the levels are MASSIVE. Please don't penalize us with a one-star review if load time takes awhile, after all, this is a FREE game and we just wanted to ensure this game was fully loaded with as much action packed fun as we could fit into each level.***
The Abyss, a place on the shadows and evil, has been growing over centuries, eclipsing the realms with annihilation. Reigning terror over his lands, the dark knight has placed his mercenaries like chess pawns over the land, seemingly blending in with the populace until no one is sure who might be the true eyes and ears to this war wizard. Waiting, planning... scheming... the dark knight has plotted his domination of the realms for longer than anyone dare count, and now finally his will is being carried out to the deviation of the nations./
Genre:Adventure, Arcade
Release:Mar 03, 2015
Updated:Nov 30, -0001
TouchArcade Rating:Unrated
User Rating:Unrated
Your Rating:unrated
Compatibility:HD Universal