Minesweeper Blue - Play the Classic!

Here we representing the blue minesweeper, awesome and coolest one to play. With beautiful graphics and animated button…
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Here we representing the blue minesweeper, awesome and coolest one to play. With beautiful graphics and animated button effect, this is the best minesweeper ever you will play. This blue minesweeper game is not so hard to play. You just have to tap on any box for one time, and you can see colored numbers and hidden mines in those boxes. There are two colored button at the bottom. One for mine flag and sweeping to bring the hidden numbers, another one for uncertainty. Total six different difficulty levels are fully prepared for you but you have to unlock them one by one by completing previous level. Try your best now! Solve all the levels and share your game experience worldwide with your friends. Best Features: >> Awesome blue graphical interface with eye catching 3D buttons. >> Animated button to enjoy the sweeping and mine flag. >> Colorful, easy to play, handy but adventurous game play. >> Six difficulty level from easy to hard step by step. >> Shareable score worldwide through the Game center. >> Email invitation for your friends to play the game. >> Share via Facebook and twitter. You should play this exclusive game without wasting your time. Use your tricks to get the mine. Make a high score and share that with people.
Genre:Board, Puzzle
Release:Jul 20, 2014
Updated:Jul 20, 2014
Size:9.1 MB
TouchArcade Rating:Unrated
User Rating:Unrated
Your Rating:unrated
Compatibility:HD Universal
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