Welcome to Hero Go! The best strategy card game in 2016! Liked the Three Kingdom Stories since you were a kid? Wanted to play as the lord inside the story? Now, Here's the opportunity to collect all the heroes in Three Kingdom Story! 首日神将「赵云」领取中! 次日人气少女「大乔」领取中! 体会三国游戏的策略性,无双的英雄系统让你难忘。关羽,张飞,赵云,刘备,黄忠,任你调遣;大乔,小乔 尽显风姿。做一回真正的主公,圆你童年的三国梦! 【全能主公自主成长】 独创习武堂,14种主动技能,8种被动技能,群伤单秒最强输出,高防反伤极致肉坦,晕眩沉默先手控制,驱散顶盾全能辅助,自主选择发展方向,手动释放特色技能,配合阵容发挥最大功效! 【招募猛将阵容百变】 告别无良十连抽,无需商店买买买!来玩就送神将赵云,超高暴击逆转战局!福星高照,魔将来袭,多种玩法开放130资质神将收集途径!更有战绩、虎符、军令系统,助主公招募特色武将,无需充值也能坐拥精兵良将! 【缘分自由玩法多样】 最自由武将缘分系统,收集即解锁,随心搭配上阵武将,不用再为了凑缘分而舍弃心爱的阵容!智取益州、雄踞虎牢、过关斩将、群雄争霸,不同的任务玩法需要上阵不同的武将,见招拆招,排兵布阵! 【搞怪逗趣架空剧情】 三国背景,原创架空剧情,大禹后人乱入汉末纷争,为复活守陵人踏上寻鼎之路,巧斗曹阿瞒,周旋大耳贼,招募当世名将,争夺天下霸权!更有颜良文丑激萌反串,体验别样三国大战! 【良心策划超多福利】 每日数百元宝稳定来源,首周上万元宝免费派送!更有辕门射戟,百分百击中高额元宝,以小博大,只赚不陪!装备道具全掉落,不用充值也能拥有神装神将!【流量省心随地畅玩】 超纳米微端!极低流量消耗!随时随地体验三国战记,不用WiFi也能玩! Day-One Login get Legendary [Zhao Yun] Day-Two Login get Superstar [Da Qiao] 【Main Character Auto-Level】 Enter the Special Training Room and learn from 14 Active skills, 8 Passive skills, with AOE type, Thorns type, Silence type, Support type. Pick your own path and pick your own skill! 【Recruit Mighty Heroes】 You don't have to pay much to play well! Play today and get the Legendary Zhao Yun, who has super-high Critical damage! There are many ways to obtain legendary heroes! There are Record Points, Military Seals, and Military Orders to refresh the heroes you can recruit! You don't have to worry about paying too much! 【The Fate System】 The most elegant Fate System, collect Fated heroes and open up the possibilities to massive power ups without changing your formation! You may need to apply different formations for different missions~ 【Wonderful New Story】 Based on the 3 kingdoms adventure with a spin on it! Da Yu's progeny has joined the Han Dynasty to revive their ancestors, fight with the big three to unite the kingdom! 【Tons of Free Treasures】 Tons of free treasures everyday! You can win huge prizes with a little luck! Get all the items in-game without paying, start getting your treasures today! 【Low Data Usage】 A small install size with very little data usage! Enter the 3 kingdoms now and don't even play on Wifi! If you are looking for a strategy game for Three kingdoms, here it is! Come and join us! ------------------------------------------------ 【官方资讯 Official notice of the game】 Hero Go!中文版粉丝页 Follow us on Hero Go!客服邮箱 Contact us at:[email protected]
Seller:Zheng Ma
Genre:Role Playing, Strategy
Release:Jun 22, 2016
Updated:Sep 05, 2016
Size:154.0 MB
TouchArcade Rating:Unrated
User Rating:Unrated
Your Rating:unrated
Compatibility:HD Universal